Well, for me, it was back to reality today. I had to return to work and get back into a routine. Mother Nature in her ultimate bitchiness decided to welcome me back to my regular life by waking me up with temps of 2 degrees and frozen pipes. Thanks, thanks a lot.
So, after standing on the scale this morning, it appears that I am dealing with about a 3 pound gain from all my holiday indulgences. I am not going to call that a "true" gain until I see what I weigh on Sunday - I want a couple of days to clean my system out and then I can truly assess the damage. But, yeah. Luckily this is not sending me into a panic - but it did cause me to pout a bit. You see, I like to engage in "inappropriate" behaviors and not have any consequences - kind of like the 2 clients of mine that went to jail today.
Fortunately, where they may be facing at least a couple of YEARS of being locked up and told what they can do and when they can do it, I have considerable control of my life and what happens next. The only prison I face is one of my own making - if I allow it.
I got to work and there were many - and I mean MANY - left-over treats. The chocolates are not that big of a draw to me, but the gourmet cookies? I would like to say that I wasn't tempted at all, but I was. Fat Jen - who has had too much control for about the last 2 weeks - whispered in my ear that it was Thursday and why not start getting back on track Monday. Yes, Monday is a gooood day to start again.
Thin Jen successfully wrestled the bitch to the ground and I have been 100% on plan with my eating so far today and had a hard and satisfying noon workout.
We win this war one battle at a time. If you have been on this journey a while, you know this. If you're just starting - wait for it - because your test will come. But know that you CAN win it. One battle, one day at a time.
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