Thursday, October 23, 2014

Appetite for Destruction…

Food cravings are a weird thing.  Last week I really wanted broccoli of all things.  I eat a ton of veggies and broccoli is a staple for me.  But must be something that broccoli has in it was missing from my diet because I just wanted a plateful.  Which I indulged in.

Unfortunately, my cravings are rarely for something healthy like that!

I crave sweets WAY more now then I did when I was fat.  At the time I would knock down a DOOR for things like bread covered in butter, but chocolate?  Nah.  I probably ate 2 candy bars a year.

But now I crave sweets a LOT.  It is difficult to manage sometimes.

This week though, I've had a bizarre craving - I want PROCESSED foods.

I literally have not eaten an Oreo cookie in probably 3 years.  But I could sit down and eat through a bag right now.

It's not even specifically the sweet taste I'm after - I am totally fantasizing about things like Little Debbie snacks and those terrible packaged cake things.  How weird is that?

The scale ignored my plea for mercy yesterday - I weighed in this morning at a dismal 127.1.  I keep reminding myself of that.  But Fat Jen doesn't give a flying fuck right now - she just wants some crap in her PLEASEANDTHAANKYOU!

She will, instead, get haddock and a pumpkin/sweet potato bisque for dinner tonight.

I hope that will shut her up!


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