Monday, July 13, 2015

Wow–Can I really be this bad?

So it was back to reality today.  I thought that I was in the right mindset.  I even joined a freaking 5 day clean eating challenge.  ONLY 5 days.

I squeezed myself into a dress this morning, you could call me sausage girl.


I get to work and 10 minutes after I'm there - in what I am absolutely convinced is THE GRAND CONSPIRACY TO KEEP JEN FAT - in trots someone with some mouth wateringly fresh donuts and bagels from Dunkin' Donuts.

Fuck.  Me.

My resolve lasted 10 fucking minutes.  No, I DID NOT eat anything.  But I wanted to.  I really did.

It's so fucking pathetic.  But, on the other hand, once again we are down to the fact that we don't pay consequences for our thoughts, only our behavior.  So, calorie wise, I was consequence free.  But I WANT to NOT WANT - know what I mean?

The rest of the day was a flurry of catching up on emails and phone calls and paperwork - a welcome distraction.  Distraction from my thoughts and the tightness of my dress. 

I got home and took a quick bike ride and have my salad prepared while Marc makes the chicken for it.

1 day down - only hundreds more to go!!



  1. Way to go on making good choice! Wishing you the best success this week.

  2. Congrats on resisting, its so hard not to be thinking about food all the time. You can only do it one day at a time so focus on the now. Good job :)
