Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Grab it and HOLD ON!

If there was any - even a tiny little niggle - of doubt that my mental struggles and weight gain was owed in large part to the miserable horrible winter we have had, it has been completely wiped out over the last 3 days.

Sunday I ran 13 miles and had the most relaxing and peaceful day.  Monday brought a record breaking high temp of 79 - and me running another 6 miles.  After work I took a mat outside and did some ab and core work.  I wasn't the only happy camper - the dogs ran and played and stretched out in the hot windy breeze.  

Today?  More sun and 60.  I typically don't run 3 days in a row, but I wanted to - a nice easy 6.5 miles.  I felt relaxed and strong - strong body and strong mind.

I haven't even been that hungry - despite the miles.  Geez I wonder if my desire to eat is not completely physical - DUH!!

I remain discouraged about my weight, but I see a sliver of hope that I can get my mojo back there as well!  I don't know how long this feeling of peace and empowerment can and will last.  But I'm going to hold on to it for dear life!!!

And, my friends, I have been seriously thinking about my options for a major life change.  Marc has been talking about Colorado.  It's beginning to sound good to both of us.  

Any readers out there from that great state?  


  1. Jen, I am feeling some of that same euphoria with the springtime weather. I live in southeast Georgia, so we have definitely not been hit with the kind of weather you guys have, but it was a really tough year for us from May, 2014, to now. Too many issues came up over last summer that carried through the fall and winter. Honestly, when I saw the first hummingbird at our feeder (which was empty!!) a couple of weeks ago, I cried. It was such a hopeful sign that things are turning a corner!! Hang on to that good feeling and positivity!!

    Also, I am originally from Colorado!! I grew up there, and I do miss it. While you won't find any real relief from the snow, it is a very laid-back, active place to live. Hiking is AMAZING!!! I don't know what part of the state you're considering, but Colorado Springs and Boulder are two awesome cities with tons of stuff to do and see. Not so crazy about Denver...too much city for this country girl!! Anyway, it's definitely something to consider if you need a change. Your boys will love it!

  2. P.S. There's some stuff going on with the housing (purchase and rental) market out here right now...don't let it freak you out. It's about to peak. It's insanely ridiculous right now, but can't sustain.

  3. Looks like I messed up my first comment, sorry!! You guys absolutely should move to Colorado!! When reading your posts about winter, I was often mentally saying, "Move here!!" I grew up in Michigan (moved to CO when I was 16 in the late 80s) and could never go back. I didn't know there could be so much sun and so much to DO!! I highly recommend it. we live between Denver and Boulder. Hubs works in Boulder (construction mgmt) and I work in Denver, a few blocks from downtown (small law office mgmt). This state is sooooooo wonderful! It's inspiring and amazing and makes you want to do everything outside. Please let me know if I can offer any perspective on anything!

  4. The prospect of a change is incredibly daunting and scary as well as exciting! I may be picking both your brains!! We definitely want rurasl - we are not city people!!!
