Monday, August 18, 2014

The 3 R’s…

You know how in school they taught the 3 r’s – Reading, wRiting and ‘Rithmitic?  This weekend I had my own 3 R’s.  Relaxing, Reflecting and Rebooting.

To say I’m been having a rough time mentally as well as physically lately is an understatement.  Marc and I had planned months ago for this weekend to involve a trip down to his niece and nephew’s outside of Albany.  It worked out perfectly that this was the weekend we chose given that I couldn’t run and was in desperate need of some time to get my head together. 

We had a wonderful time.  It seems that people my age now are at the exact right age that they are – rightly so – totally involved in their children’s lives.  So talk of baseball games and back to school shopping and trips to the local waterpark dominate conversations.

I certainly want to listen to some of the stories, but I don’t have kids – and I don’t LIKE kids – so at some point my eyes start to glaze over.  Yes, I am a horrible person.

Marc’s niece and nephew don’t have kids either and they have a dog and a cat that are their pseudo-children, so they totally get it.

And for them – like for us – an afternoon hiking and then finding a large creek where we could watch the dogs play in the water – is ideal. 

We hiked a place called Vroman’s Nose  on Saturday and just enjoyed the day.
















We spent the weekend with no agenda, no pressure and just doing what we felt like.  We chatted and hung out and watched movies.

And we ate.  I can’t even calculate the thousands of calories I consumed this weekend.  I feel guilty and I feel liberated.  I want to think that this was a send off of summer as it was our last big plans before September hits.  That at least is my rationalization.

I spent some time reflecting on where I am in my life, and what my goals are. 

We arrived home late yesterday and today starts my reboot.  In film a reboot is “something that is being re-started or revived”.   I now have even more weight to lose.  So I simply have to get back on track.  And I have gone 7 days without running and I’m going to try running this morning.  And if I have to walk some of it for any reason, I’m going to try not freak out and instead see it as a reboot – I’m starting over.

All my success started somewhere and if I did it once, I can do it again.  I’m not starting from scratch, but I am in the hole.  So here I go…

And I hope I succeed…

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