Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting it together feels great!

This is a bracelet that I bought myself during Black Friday shopping.  It totally describes how I'm feeling today.  I feel like my life is in control.  My weight is back to where it was Thanksgiving Day which is a feat in and of itself.  I ran 10 miles on the treadmill yesterday despite how much the treadmill sucks, and I also wrapped about 75% of my Christmas gifts!  

Losing the weight has given me so much more energy and ambition.  I remember when wrapping gifts was something I hated.  It took so much energy just to get out all the supplies and then pile the gifts up and then the time of wrapping.  Not to mention putting everything away!  But not yesterday - it was just something that I did while watching football.  And what a feeling of accomplishment to get that task done!  I even had time to do an hour of yoga because I felt really tight after the tready run.

I sometimes worry that when I make posts like this it will come across as braggy or preachy.  I hope none of you feel that way.  It's just for me, when I feel like this, I want to spread it to EVERYONE.  If you are out there feeling stressed, tired and/or discouraged it doesn't have to be that way!  Trust me!  You too can have this feeling!  You can feel strong, empowered, fearless!!  I promise!  

Ok, can I make a small suggestion that I use that might help some of you out there get organized for the holiday season?   I know that buying for people and keeping track of the money spent and everything can get overwhelming and can be stressful - especially if you have a lot of people to buy for.  If you are a computer person, do this in a word processor.  If you are not, do this with pen and paper.

Create a table with 5 columns.  Under Column 1: put NAME; Column 2: ITEM; Column 3: PRICE; Column 4: *; Column 5: +.

Now for the obvious - under the first column add all the names of people that you need to buy for - give them each their own row.  Under the 2nd column, add either what you HAVE bought or WANT to buy for them - you can put 1 thing or many things in this row.  In Column 3, put how much that item cost.  In column 4, add a * when you buy the item(s) and in Column 5, add + when you have wrapped the item(s).  It's an easy peasy way to keep track of who you have bought for and how much you have spent and whether you have it wrapped or not.

The other nice thing is that if you save this under a different file name every year, you can see what you bought people in the past, and you'll have all the names already there and can easily add people or, if they were naughty, delete them!

I hope this suggestion was useful - the more organized you are the better you control your life!!

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