Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome to spring!

Holy frig!  Mother Nature did not get the memo that is is spring, that's for sure!  As I am typing this, it is snowing extremely hard here.  How incredibly frustrating and depressing!  But spring HAS to come eventually, right?

I don't know about you, but it is hard to keep my spirits up when the weather sucks so bad.  On the other hand, spring itself it about renewal!  So, I know that some of you are out have been struggling to keep on this journey.  So I'll give you a kick in the pants - IT'S SPRING!  TIME TO GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!!

Let's go people!  Time to start eating right, excercing and getting your life together in general!  Although I'm doing pretty well, I have found myself in a bit of the winter doldrums and consequently in a rut.

I am taking today - despite Mama Nature's fury - as a time of strength and renewal.  Time to refocus and recommit.  Are you with me???


  1. Yes! I'm with you... very anxious for spring to and getting out. Looking for a bike rack so I can take my bike to some of the trails.

  2. Thanks, I needed this! My running has been lackluster for the last couple of months. I need to get back at it!! Thanks for the kick in the pants.

  3. Ok, are you still there? Have you gotten out and ran?

