Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fatter or fitter?

The news is full of reports of how fat we are becoming as a nation.  Childhood obesity rates on apparently sky high.  And it seems that we are eating more processed foods and we are getting lazier.

On the other hand there are more and more fitness sites online - Fitocracy, Runkeeper, Mapmyrun, myfitnesspal, weighttraining, etc.  

And we have more and more technology to keep us in shape - running watches, fitbits, apps to check calories at your local restaurants.  The FDA is revising nutrional labels to help us eat right  and most places have made it easy to order healthy dishes - from Applebee's to Ruby Tuesdays - they're all offering low cal options.

 So you would think that this means people are considering their health and doing something about it!

But all one has to do is look around and you will easily see not just overweight but morbidly obese people - young and old - they are everywhere.

So what do you think?  Where do we stand as a nation?

1 comment:

  1. We stand very well as a nation.... we have nuclear bombs!!! Uncle Kevy.
