Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A positive frame of mind

I believe this to be true.  Attitude is so incredibly important in this journey.  Where is your mindset today? 

Where do you see yourself in terms of reaching your goals?  Anyone out there getting close to a goal - be it weight or something else? 

I think I have always been a pretty positive person.  However, I have been shocked at how overall my attitude has improved since losing weight.  It's like having the weight gone has also lifted barriers in my mind.

That being said, I am struggling this week maintaining a positive attitude.  Why?  Because it seems that fall is here.  I don't hate fall, but since it's a sure sign of winter coming, I absolutely DREAD it.  I'm trying not to project too far ahead, but the idea of being cooped up inside and running on the treadmill rather then running outside makes me want to throw a tantrum of epic proportions.

How do you keep a positive attitude when things don't always go your way?  Let me know!


  1. your picture of your typical work outfit, the skirt and blue top, is just as cute as a button.
